Love and Logic

Did I mention I have four kids?  I think Plato said that necessity is the mother of invention.  That sure feels true when trying to remember to be intentional in parenting my own children rather than falling into reactionary parenting.  As our household has grown I have looked for ideas on parenting that are practical, helpful, and make sense.  The Love and Logic Institute has been able to maintain my attention and garner my respect (

Love and Logic reminds us that regardless of all our technological advances, parents will always be the most important source of information and values for their growing children. How can we provide this essential information? One way is by using the four basic Love and Logic ingredients. What do these ingredients offer? They give parents a practical investment strategy for building their children’s self-esteem, personal sense of responsibility, and ability to make smart choices.  This can be done in everyday life by trying our best as parents to: Build the self-concept, Share the control or decision-making, Offer empathy, then consequences, and Share the thinking and problem-solving. 

The approach is solid in its research and makes alot of sense to parents.  So check them out if you can or check back as over the next weeks and months I will blog about some of the principles and approaches of Love and Logic. I am also planning to offer a group in the Spring/Summer on “Becoming a Love and Logic Parent” so stay tuned.

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